Laurence Bovy, CEO at Vivaqua, about ngage

When your mission is at the very heart of citizen most basic needs, the supply of drinkable water and the disposal of used water, designing a plan to transform a company requires a balance between smooth cultural evolution and strong objectives to address the important challenges on customer service modernization, infrastructure managementhuman resourcesfinance,… When you want to seize the opportunity to onboard all volunteers to the process, the balance between top-down and bottom-up is more than ever a challenge.

Teaming-up with Laurence Bovy, CEO of VIVAQUA, and the internal teams, ngage was glad to help VIVAQUA in the definition of their Strategic Plan 2019-2024 – VIVAnext. We organized a participative approach bringing together more than 250 employees and consolidated all inputs into an actionable plan while supporting VIVAQUA in their cultural evolution.


We, at ngage, are honored to have brought another chair into the game of Vivaqua.

Laurence Bovy, CEO at Vivaqua, about ngage
NGAGE CONSULTING 14 January 2020
We bring another chair into the game